"How to keep active at home!"

 by Juliana Napoleao | April 16th, 2020

“The current COVID-19 pandemic has been making many of us stay home longer than what we are used to. During this time it is not uncommon for us to find ourselves more stressed and anxious than usual, and exercise can help alleviate this. At this moment it is just as important as always to keep moving our bodies to help with both our physical and mental health. It is also important to keep exercising so you don’t completely get out of your regular routine, because the longer we go without exercising, the harder it will be when it is time to go back to the gym. Our exercise routine might not be the same, but moving our bodies in any way that we can will definitely help us feel better by the end of the day.

Many of us might find it challenging to find the motivation to keep moving when you can’t go to the gym and get the social aspect of it, or workout with a friend. One idea that might help is talking to a friend or your partner at the beginning of the day and setting up daily goals, that way you have someone to keep you accountable for weekly exercise. Another idea that might be helpful is to set up a regular exercise schedule, ideally at the same times you would usually go to the gym. Other ideas include playing your favourite exercise music, and finding online videos with different exercises that you can do from home, so you can add variety and change your exercise dynamics a little bit. So, although it is challenging to keep exercising when we are home, it is very important to do so. We need to remember how important it is to move our bodies even if just for 15-20 minutes a couple times a week. Exercise is a great way to keep ourselves busy during this quarantine time, and it can be of big help to our mental health. Remember to take care of your health!”

**Check out MOVEs Facebook and Instagram accounts for weekly free at home workouts you can do right in your living room. MOVE is also offering at home exercise programming and one on one tele-rehabilitation via video conferencing, if you are interested or have any questions please email Alannah at moveadaptedfitness@gmail.com**